6 October 2021

Black History Month recognises and celebrates the contribution made to our society over many years by the African and Caribbean communities. This year's theme is 'Proud to be'. 

Below are a series of 'Proud to be' blogs from our NHS system leaders from across Hampshire, Southampton and Isle of Wight. #BlackHistoryMonth

  • 'Proud to be' has been written by Maggie MacIsaac, Turning the Tide Board member, Chief Executive, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight Integrated Care System. Maggie talks about her commitment to learning from peoples experiences and how we must work differently as a system for equality.


  • 'Proud to be a Black History Month leader and ally' has been written by Leon Herbert, Turning the Tide Board member, Head of Diversity and Inclusion System-wide, Solent NHS Trust. Leon talks passionately about his role as an ally and the difference he is making.  
  • 'Proud to be an ally' has been written by Paul Draycott, Turning the Tide Board member, Executive Director for Workforce, Organisational Development and Communications, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust. Paul talks about his role as an ally.  
  • 'Proud to be a leader' has been written by Jasindver Sohal, Turning the Tide Board member, Chief People Officer, Solent NHS Trust. Jas talks about her awareness of the challenges people face being the 'minority' and the difference she will make for future generations. 
  • 'Proud to be mixed racehas been written by Anna Shaw, Co-Chair of Ethnic Minority Staff Network, Head of Community, Hampshire, Southampton and Isle of Wight CCG. Anna talks about her diverse heritage and reflects on her own generation.
  • 'Proud to be black or half anyway' has been written by Carra Smith, Turning the Tide Board member, Co-Chair of Ethnic Minority Staff Network. Carra talks about being mixed race in an all-white family and the difference she is trying to make for the next generation.  
  • 'Proud to be a British Asian and an ally' has been written by Leon Ghulam, Turning the Tide Board member, BAME Population and Workforce Lead, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight Integrated Care System. Leon talks about the importance of understanding the experiences of my black counterparts and colleagues. 
  • 'Proud to be an ethnic leader' has been written by Pawan Lall, Turning the Tide Board member, BAME Population and Workforce Lead, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight Integrated Care System. Pawan talks about recent and historical events which have inspired her to make a difference. 


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